Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rocks and Minerals PowerPoints and Notes Sheets

During the unit on Rocks and Minerals you will be asked to refer to various powerpoints and reference sheets.  You will receive one copy in class.  Should you misplace your handout or reference sheet you must print off your own copy from below.  As we continue with the unit other note sets will be uploaded to this site.

Minerals Notes (PPt)

Introduction and Sedimentary Rocks (PPt)

Igneous Rocks (PPt)

Metamorphic Rocks (PPt)

Earth Science Reference Tables 2011version (reference Sheets)

Rocks and Minerals Notes Sheet (Notes Handout)

Option B (if the other stuff doesn't work)

All power points and other materials on this post came from

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What are Minerals?

Look at the following rocks  and minerals.  What observations can you make about them?  Describe them in detail.  If you had to put them into two groups, which ones would you put in groups together? Explain why.