Monday, April 7, 2014

Rock Formations WebQuest

Click on the Rock Formations WebQuest and use the information to complete the Types of Rocks and Rock Formations Charts that you picked up in class.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Atmosphere and Climate

Click on the link below and use the prezi to help you take notes on the questions sheet that you have been given

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Planet Stats Assignment

Objective: to learn more about our solar system and to determine how each planet compares to Earth in its ability to be a habitable planet

You will be assigned a planet by the teacher.  your current task is to find as much of the information below about  your given planet and enter it into a document on your Google drive.  you will eventually create an informational flyer about your particular planet as a completed project.

·       Name of the planet
·       Where did it get its name/what does it mean
·       distance from the sun
·       what is its composition (make up)
·       length of year
·       length of day
·       number of moons
·       four other facts about it
·       when was it discovered
·       by whom
·       accurate drawing and color

·       classic or dwarf planet

  • Can this planet be considered habitable

How Many Planests are in our Solar System

Click play on the video above.  Take notes on the handout given in class.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Air Attack, Apocalypse, Asteroid?

Objective: To stay in tune with current events of the world around us

Directions (Part1): watch the video segments below

Deafening boom as meteorite explodes over Russia

Directions (Part 2):
After watching the videos on the meteor that hit Russia answer the questions below in a GoogleDoc.  you need to title the document in the correct place, write the question and then answer the question beneath. you may look up information and put it in your own words on your assignment   you MUST include the website where you obtained your information. you may not use Wikipedia as a source on this. I want you to go further.

  1. what would be your first reaction after seeing a bright light like that crossing the sky?
  2. What would be your reaction after finding out that it was a meteor from outer space that had entered your atmosphere?
  3. where was the meteor most visible?
  4. where did it create the crater of impact?
  5. How large is the crater that was created?
  6. How many people were injured by the impact of the meteor?
  7. What is a meteor?
  8. What is a meteor made of?
  9. What is the difference between a meteor, an asteroid, and a comet?
  10. What happened to the meteor in 1908?
  11. When do scientist say that another asteroid/meteorite will come near/hit earth?
  12. Why is it important to stay current on events that happen around the world?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rocks and Minerals PowerPoints and Notes Sheets

During the unit on Rocks and Minerals you will be asked to refer to various powerpoints and reference sheets.  You will receive one copy in class.  Should you misplace your handout or reference sheet you must print off your own copy from below.  As we continue with the unit other note sets will be uploaded to this site.

Minerals Notes (PPt)

Introduction and Sedimentary Rocks (PPt)

Igneous Rocks (PPt)

Metamorphic Rocks (PPt)

Earth Science Reference Tables 2011version (reference Sheets)

Rocks and Minerals Notes Sheet (Notes Handout)

Option B (if the other stuff doesn't work)

All power points and other materials on this post came from